Monday 27 July 2015

Try a challenge to check whether your strength backs you up!

Some days before, I was challenged by my 10-year old nephew. I was affronted by his audacity to challenge me on one of my key strengths.
It all started with us nagging him about his preparations for the IPM exams. I am very ambitious by nature and much of it has spilled over this little boy since his birth.
Well, it seemed simple enough – 15 mathematics questions in 45 minutes. Which, I thought should be a piece of cake. Basically, because Maths happens to be one of my favourite subjects.
Last Monday, I was shocked to see his marks. “What? 10/15 is just not even scratching the surface. You have to get full marks”.
He was already upset at his score because Maths happens to be his strength and favourite subject too. So he countered, “Would you always get full marks in your Maths exams?”
I pondered over my answer. Of course I have lost marks due to silly mistakes sometimes but that does not mean he should also make mistakes, right?
So, here I was… could not lie and could not tell the truth either because I feared he would be content with 75% when I knew he was capable of 100%.
He is a smart boy, so he could make out that I was in a dilemma. He decided to make it a little more exciting... for him. He said “Why don’t you teach me the easy way to do these questions so that I can finish within 45 minutes after school today?”
It was not much of a choice really and frankly I was outraged that this little 10-year boy had put me into this dilemma.
I decided to ‘prepare’ by solving all the questions starting from the year 2008 (15 questions in 45 minutes for each year). You may want to try this at home just for the kicks.
It took me till 2012 to get all the questions right within the appointed time of 45 minutes. An overconfident me then lost marks due to my silliness in years 2013 and 2014.

By the time my nephew came back from school, he saw my ‘prepared’ face and did not press the challenge. During my preps however, I had learnt one important lesson – ‘Even your strength wanes without practice and overconfidence just about nails it to the ground’.

Today, I feel it is good to have people in your life even 10-year olds, to challenge you on your strengths so that you keep continue to practice to maintain that standard of perfection. I also think I should take up challenges periodically to check whether my strengths are going to back me up.

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