Friday 24 July 2015

Eat what you like and walk to the heavens!

I do admit that I am obsessive about my weight and my goal is to be healthy at 51 kg. I also tend to get irritable and moody when I feel that I have put on an ounce of weight and /or my clothes don’t look good on me.
Till some years ago, I used to try various diets that I read was the magical cure to weight problems. I have even gone a day only on watermelons and another on about 15 hours of fasting in an effort to arrive at that magic weight. Humbug!
Also came along the obsessive exercising on the treadmill and cycle at the gym early in the morning

Did I lose weight after all this dieting and exercise?
Nope! Not an ounce.

In fact, I started getting migraines and heartburn. My bones ached and what was worse was that I started putting on weight. My Dad took me to different doctors – neurologists, gastroenterologists, orthopaedics alike, who performed tests to the extent that I was ready to say that I was completely cured in an effort to get out of these.
Then I met two magicians (at least they have felt like that to me) –
My Dad’ gastroenterologist who told me to stop dieting. He explained that our brain was intelligent enough to piece together our dieting pattern and store food appropriately and hence the weight that I was putting on.
My orthopaedic doctor recommended by my neighbour who told me to stop torturing my body with excessive exercise routines. He told me to start walking whenever I could.

I stopped dieting and ate what I liked… obviously in moderation and ensured that I had the right amount of vitamins, iron and calcium from the food I ate. That gave me an impetus to cook more dishes with ingredients that I liked; well what I did not like, I substituted with something that I did.

I also started walking to places like the train station (25 minutes), my friends’ houses (at least 30 minutes), shopping at the local market (20 minutes) in Mumbai. When travelling abroad, I would take maximum walking tours. It made me observe more of the surroundings including the people, the natural beauty, and the aroma of the food. Which in turn helped me to clear my mind, fill it with positive thoughts and enchanting ideas for my recipes.

And, I also achieved what I can be at peace with. No, I have not arrived at my magic weight but I am healthy and I am enjoying the journey to my ‘weight goal’ so I am a happier person and hence at peace with myself.

Peace and happiness… that is everything, no? 

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