Thursday 9 July 2015

My elixir # 1

Till about two days ago, I had a spotless face. A big change from when I had the acne even when I had crossed 30 (talk about teenage problems crossing over to when you are even over the hill; SIGH!)
In this day and age, every third ad on TV is for various creams which are supposed to get rid of spots, make you fair and glowing, younger-looking and whatever else you fancy. Did I try all of those and get lucky? Nooooooo!

So what is my elixir? Clean and pure water. That’s right!

3-4 lts. of water to drink,
Makes those spots go sink, sink, sink,
Its magic I think,
That my cheeks are so pink, pink, pink.

Use water to do those washes,
And reduce those blackheads to ashes,
Ah, those guys are making flirty passes,
How I have become a hit with the masses!

So don’t forget to have your water,
To make your skin glowing and better!

What happened in the last two days is that I forgot to drink water. So, my body is reacting with those wretched spots. Hence my first priority today has been to get my 3-4 lts. of water.

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