Thursday 9 July 2015

Rediscover the 'farmer' in you!

Retired life can be a bane. If all you do is sit and read newspapers and watch news on TV and restrict physical activity to merely going to church on Sundays, local market once every alternate week and few social functions.
This was my Dad’ life till some months ago.
My super slim Dad had put on weight, his sugar readings were giving us panic attacks and he had become very lethargic.
Till he discovered the ‘farmer’ in him.

We bought grow-bags and seeds for different vegetables – eggplant / brinjal, lady’ finger / okra, beans, bitter gourd, pumpkins, tomatoes, chillies. 

We already had banana, mango, jackfruit, guava, custard apple growing around the house (just like typical houses in Kerala) which we added other fruits like pineapple, lemons.

The spices like pepper, nutmeg has to be picked, cleaned and dried and the flowers had to trimmed and grafted. 

Add 5 cats to this mix and you have no time left on your schedule.

But the results are for all to see. He is back to being slim & elegant, his blood sugar is normal and he is so energetic and fit and positively glowing with health.

Even if our retired parents are living in flats and they have ‘farming’ in them, I feel we must encourage them to cultivate and nurture. Pets can also be very engaging but any other hobby would also do; anything that can stop them from getting more addicted to that ‘idiot-box’ or developing the usual old-age diseases – diabetes, high cholesterol, BP. It is possible.

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