Wednesday 1 July 2015

Fitbit HR

I have been 'FitBit'ed this birthday. I got the Fitbit Charge HR Wireless Activity Wristband as a gift from my brother and sister-in-law. 
 Ever since then, I am so obsessed with getting different kinds of 'badges' and make all the parameters on the Fitbit app go 'green'. 

I have minimized the junk food (somehow I cannot give it up totally) and I have never walked so much in two years as I have in the last 15 days.

Overall, I must say that my motivation to win the challenge of losing 7 kg is complemented by the right gadget.

I think I am going to win this challenge - Lose 7 kg and 7 inches in 7 months.


  1. Its effect is already seen on you...I can vouch for it!!!

  2. Well done girl ����
    Guess I need to draw some motivation from you.
