Tuesday 7 July 2015

Not without my shoes!

“You claim to be living a simple life, yet you have more than 4 dozen footwear, so many of black and most of which you cannot wear here because you don’t want to risk your neck in a fall. Look at these, why would you want to hang on to them?” Dad was in his element as usual because for him, overspending on shoes is clearly a no-no. Spending lot of time and effort looking for the perfect footwear every day – sacrilege

No matter how much I tell him that a woman must accessorize her dress with that right footwear to get that ‘look’. Now that could be stilettoes or pumps or platforms or wedges or mules or that fine pair of boots; these are what I normally prefer.
But depending on the occasion or the setting, I must also have my trainers, flats and even flip-flops.
Then there is the color-coordination with that right amount of hue.
So you can imagine how much we labor for getting that right look. I feel sometimes after looking into my footwear cabinet that even 4 dozen is less especially when I get an outfit for which none of the ones I own has that ‘IT’ factor.  SIGH!

While travelling & living in the 5 continents, every gap I found in my suitcase, I would fill with footwear. Now that I am based in India, I stopped frequenting malls so that I would not be tempted to hoard and thus live my life simply. What can I say, temptation even lurks online in the form of not-to-miss deals on footwear @ Amazon, Snapdeal and Flipkart. How much can one resist? I gave up a long time ago and indulge whenever I cannot move from that page without clicking “Buy”.

Am I committing one of the seven deadly sins – Greed? I am confused because my ‘greed’ is incurring cost only to me; whereas the shoemakers and retailers are getting their share of the revenues. Besides I am happy and they are happy; a win-win situation cannot be sinful, don’t you agree? 

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