Thursday 2 July 2015

The Stubborn Roses

Some months ago, I bought three rose plants from a nursery in Kerala. The roses were of different colors - yellow, red and orange. I got home and transferred these to big pots immediately; I did not even come to welcome one of my favorite uncles who had come to visit. Obviously, he was curious what his favorite niece was so busy with. When he saw me with the rose plants, he said immediately "Ah, you got fooled into getting these roses too. They just bloom once and then they almost never do". I was sorely dejected. Yet undaunted, I continued to water them and spray them with homemade insect powders. Mom & Dad also saw me do something which they thought was very weird; I would sing songs & talk to my rose plants. A week went by and then two. My parents were worried about my disappointment which seemed obvious to them. But not me.

At the end of the third week, there I saw a lil orange bud which soon bloomed into a lovely flower. By the end of five weeks, there were seven orange buds, one red and yellow flower each and two yellow buds.

So friends, talk and sing to your plants; they love to hear your voice of confidence in them. 

As for my parents, they are true believers and so if you find us talking to nobody in particular, just know that we are not being weird; we just love our plants.

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