Friday 3 July 2015

Fashion Blooper Entry # 1

A few days after returning from UK where I had lived for about two years, I had gone to the mall here in suburban Mumbai. I found that the men, women & even children were dressed as if they were going to some casual party. Now, whether it suited them or whether they were actually comfortable wearing their respective garments, was quite another matter. In my faded jeans and just-about-ok T-shirt, I looked completely out of place.
I decided that I needed to adapt and be very quick about it. In a few days, I was invited for the screening of a Malayalam movie at a mall by my childhood buddies. I took this as an opportunity to show everyone how well I had adapted.

I was waiting near the car for my friends who were running late as usual; they just made it with absolutely no minute to spare. But all of us made time to exchange comments. Starting with them saying “You know that we are going for a screening of a Malayalam movie not the premiere, right?” I was quick to retort “Yes, but people ‘dress up’ at the mall”. I had no time to change anyway so I had to listen to some ‘Oh Oh’s throughout the 30-minute ride to the mall.

Now come on, I am ‘dressed-up’, I look good (they agreed on that at least) with my color-coordinated accessories and best of all, I am comfortable in them.
However, I got what they meant when I reached the mall. Yes, this was a different mall with a different audience, as I realised after many stares and even muffled laughter.

Note to self: Do a bit of research on the place and the audience before you decide on your ensemble. When in doubt ask around for what everyone else is gonna wear.

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