Tuesday 29 December 2015

Christmas Special!

Normally, I am well-prepared for Christmas lunches where a battalion of friends of family descend upon you and it is a time to experiment and impress and this Christmas was no different.
So, I had an elaborate menu planned with the theme as ‘Homemade’ which looked as follows –

Starters: Spice-n-salt potato canapes on fenugreek bread, Potato chips, Chicken cutlets
Main Course: Tapioca and Fish curry, Multi-layered, multi-colored butter rice, Mutton Chukka, Potato and Paneer chops curry
Accompaniments: Prawns Pickle, Tomato raita
Dessert: Cake, Pudding and Chocolates

Please do not attempt to do all this in one day. I started about 2 days ago i.e. on 23rd December 2015.
Day 1: Shopping for the ingredients is easy if you have the list of items required for each dish and need to be bought. So, I went to the local market to procure must-have item and battled the crowds to successfully bring in all of them about 2 hours later. Cleaning the fish, prawns, chicken and lamb took a better part of the afternoon.
I started with the prawns pickle because the taste is better with a bit of ageing. I have already provided the recipe in this blog - http://reenued.blogspot.in/2015/11/what-condiment-for-my-sea-food-guests.html
Guess what I did with the tamarind slice I pulled out of the pickle? I put it into the fish curry which I made exactly as I have seen my Mom making.
When the fish was cooking, I started marinating the chicken and the mutton for chicken cutlets and mutton chukka respectively.
After about an hour or so, the fish curry was cooling, and I prepared the mutton chukka and chicken cutlets in parallel. By the time I was done, I was pleased with the result but I was so bone-tired that I decided to put up my apron for the day.
Day 2: Baking Day is what I like to call this since all I did was bake – starting with the cake, pudding and ending with bread and chocolates. 
Christmas Day: I went for mass and by this time, the tapioca that I had cut the previous night and frozen had completely defrosted. To start with I made the tapioca and put the potatoes to boil for the topping on the fenugreek bread. Then the multi-layered, multi-coloured butter rice which surprisingly took me a lot of time to prepare, layer and then cook in ‘dum’ (steam) mode.
The time was already 12 and I was wondering how I was going to make the potato and paneer chops curry and the remaining items – Canapes, potato chips, chicken cutlets and Tomato raita.
It may have been good organizing or time-capsuling but somehow I was ready by 1:30 p.m. to serve out the starters and the main course was being warmed up.

When the lunch was spread out, it seemed like quite a lot and my guests wondered whether they would be able to justice to all the dishes. They spent the next four hours sampling, taking breaks and then sampling again till the net result was that the only leftover that I had was a plate-full of rice. My nephews suggested that I should undertake the MasterChef challenge; so pleased were they with the appeal of their senses.
I was literally preening like a peacock hearing all these compliments and that euphoria continued through the day till I went to sleep.

& I realized how every pore of my body was aching. I called my friend and told… literally ordered her to cook all my meals for the next two days. She was happy to oblige thankfully since she was still in the throes of my X’mas special dishes. Good for me!

No Pain no gain! So, if you want to really plan something spectacular but are dithering because of the effort, take that leap... Totally worth it!
Watch this blog for the various recipes and tips.

Friday 25 December 2015

Thursday 24 December 2015

Merry X'Mas! My book ‘Where is my Kaddu?’ is FREE on Amazon Kindle today!

My preparations are in full swing for Christmas tomorrow. I am going to be surrounded by family and friends with them coming over all through the day just to make my day special.

I happened to read today that some people will be celebrating Christmas alone; that made me pensive indeed. One of the ideas suggested was to curl up in front of the Christmas tree and read a good book. That gave me an idea to at least attempt to fill your life with characters from my book. So, surround yourself with Kaddu and all the people in her life and I bet that you would not feel alone at least.

This Christmas eve, I am giving away my book ‘Where is my Kaddu?’ on Amazon Kindle absolutely free to download. The links are as follows –

Wish you all a very happy Christmas. May your life be lighted with hope, love and peace which Jesus exemplified and symbolized!

Friday 11 December 2015

My travel diary entry: Memorable times in Seattle, United States

This time of the year…. Thanksgiving and most importantly my darling nephew’s birthday reminds me of my trips to Seattle over the years.

One of my earliest trips to Seattle was during Thanksgiving of 2004. The airport was packed; it was Thanksgiving eve; everybody seemed to be in a hurry to get to their families to celebrate Thanksgiving. A packed flight with some delays at the two stopover airports later, I emerged out of SeaTac airport with my brother to find our youngest sibling waiting for us. We exchanged hugs and I saw that action was being replicated all across that airport.
Everyone was happy to be with their family during Thanksgiving.
We decided to drive to Mt. Rainier for Thanksgiving. Mt. Rainier has so much beauty that a word of thanks comes automatically to your lips. Best Thanksgiving ever!
The Nisqually entrance to the Paradise side was streaming with visitors; guess many people got the same idea for my best thanksgiving ever…. I heard that the day after Thanksgiving is now fee free day; if any of you are planning a visit in 2016.
The road from Nisqually entrance to Longmire is so beautiful. The backdrop is so scenic that you are mesmerized. Mt. Rainier is an active volcano (first one I ever visited) and coupled with glaciers, and the volcanic soils and the dense vegetation and you can imagine why! There are 3 trails that you can do if you want to soak in the surroundings while on foot – Kautz Creek Trail, Trail of the Shadows and the strenuous Rampart Ridge Trail. We did a bit of trekking but it was so chilly that we bundled right back into the car and drove to the Henry M. Jackson Memorial Visitor Center. The Nisqually Vista Trail beckoned; it is supposed to be the sight for ‘hungry-for-more-scenery’ eyes with beautiful views of the Nisqually Glacier. We were a little early for seeing the mountain elk coming to feed as well as the Santa Express train. Too bad!
I have yet to visit the Sunrise side of Mt. Rainier even though I have visited Seattle many times during summer, so I will put that up on the top of my to-do list while visiting Seattle next time. In fact, after seeing those awesome photos of my cousin doing a climb of Mt. Rainier, that should also be on my list. Tick!

Approaching Space Needle
The effect of Mount Rainier was high upon me even on the next day. Instead of shopping as a crazy woman like I did on Black Friday last year, this year I decided to soak in a little more of Seattle. Upbeat was my mood as we reached the Space Needle; an icon of Seattle. The view from the observation deck at over 500 ft is just mind blowing. I could see Mount Rainier, Mount Baker, Olympic Mountains and islands around. The rotating SkyCity restaurant has decent food which I think came back into my mouth as we descended by that speedy elevator in under a minute…. My stomach felt odd and I hoped that I would not throw up… luckily I didn’t.

Pike Place Market
Pike Place market situated on Elliot Bay waterfront is not just another Farmers’ Market; it has so much culture and color to it. From vegetables, fruits, dairy products to handicrafts… this place has it all. And, there is the fish which is touted to be the best in Seattle. And I must not forget the original ‘Starbucks’ housed here.
We drove around Redmond where many of the Microsoft employees stay in beautiful houses surrounded by well-tended lawns. My sister-in-law talked about her awesome experience at Microsoft during that entire ride.

Recent snap with Seattle Great Wheel
The next day we took the Washington State Ferry from Seattle to Bainbridge island and spent the good part of the day there. The ferry trip is really cool and well-organised but we had to wait a bit for us to get on the ferry. As we left Seattle, we could see the area near the waterfront and Seattle Center with the Space Needle looming above.
Bainbridge Island is one of the best places to live in the United States. From the sparkling waters of Puget Sound and scenic waterfront to the various green parks, this island is truly a place of great beauty. The ferry entered Eagle Harbor through Winslow. Armed with a map of Bainbridge Island, we decided to follow Eagle Harbor Dr. through to Rockaway beach onto Pleasant Beach and finally onto Crystal Springs. We stopped awhile to just enjoy the route and caught the ferry back to Seattle in the evening.

The vacation was over before we knew it but with family time in such beautiful places, it was most memorable.

The subsequent trips to Seattle over the next 10 years to visit my brother or more accurately my darling nephews had us exploring a lot more.
When we visited Bainbridge island later, we went through from Fletcher Bay all the way to Port Madison. Agate Pass off SR 305 which connects Bainbridge Island to the Kitsap peninsula is something beautiful too that we missed… I think it was heavy traffic though I am not entirely sure.

In downtown Seattle overlooking Elliot Bay waterfront, there is Pioneer Square which was once upon a time the heart of the city since the founders settled there. But with the great Seattle fire of 1889 burning down the earlier wooden structures, the now Romanesque architecture replaced it instead. Not to miss (but often does get missed) is the Seattle Waterfall Garden dedicated to the USPS workers; this houses an artificial yet beautiful waterfall. It is a great place to just hang out, click pictures / selfies and to have a quick bite to eat on the go. Then there is Milepost 31 which gives an inside look to the Tunnel project to replace the Alaskan Way viaduct and connect downtown to the waterfront; free guided tours are available for an up-close and personal look.

The Seattle Underground tour is for history buffs like me. Once the Great Seattle fire destroyed the wooden buildings, the newer buildings were made of stone and the streets were elevated to almost 12 – 30 ft to avert another disaster and so the older pavements and structures fell into disuse and created the Seattle Underground. We also learnt about the gravity-assisted flush toilets funnelling into Elliot Bay made in such a way that the waste did not back up during high tide.

Stroll or bike around Myrtle Edwards Park overlooking Elliot Bay (yes, the sea gulls, eagles and herons will be around) and then onto the Olympic Structure Park, a really unique place which offers free admission to see some beautiful sculptures. This is part of the Seattle Art Museum and you can continue your tour that way if you are heavily into art. If you are accompanied by children, then a better idea is to go to the Seattle Aquarium and now the new Seattle Great Wheel at Pier 57.

Chihuly Garden & Glass
In Seattle City Center, other than the obvious Space Needle, I found the following places that I would recommend to everyone. Chihuly Garden and Glass houses glass works which is simply so spectacular that must be personally experienced. 

EMP Museum
Experience Music Project (EMP) Museum founded by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen houses exhibits of pop culture from fantasy or horror to video games to sci-fi even the costumes and there are interactive activities too. Fans of Nirvana & Jimi Hendrix love this especially because here lays original lyrics, photos and instruments of these musicians. You can also see the Seattle Monorail tracks going through the building. Children would probably love the Seattle Children’ museum and Pacific Science Center because of such interactive and creative programs of discovery; you should check what programs are on that your children can enrol into.
Other places that children love… I say this from our experience with my darling nephews –
Museum of Flight: This air and space museum in Southern Seattle has such a host of educational programs and besides there are so many aircraft exhibits… it is like you are in another world altogether. Not to miss are NASA’ FFT and the Dreamliner which has been on display since last year (surely on my must-visit list for next time).
Future of Flight and Boeing Tour: This museum is about 25 miles north of Seattle; you need to plan well for the tour tickets. But if you are interested in aviation dynamics and engineering or wanting to get your children interested, then this is a must-go because you can see first-hand the planes being assembled and there are some interesting programs for kids. There is a Boeing Store where you can buy artifacts for your home.

Wildlife: Woodland Park zoo spanning 92 acres with a variety of animals and plants, the much smaller yet really cool Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium and the Northwest Trek Wildlife Park which boasts of a tram that will take you through 400 acres where you can see wildlife in their natural habitat or you can do a Walking Tour and some Nature trail walks.

Nature Parks and Falls: Seattle and the area around are abound with nature parks. If there are no rains and there is a bit of sun, go to some park and walk around. It is the best form of relaxation that I know.

Suppose you don't want to drive around Seattle and the adjoining islands, take the Grayline and / or the Duck Tours... all you then need to concentrate on is absorbing the scenic beauty and taking some great pictures. 

Happy Travelling!

There is still more of Seattle and around that I plan on seeing during my next trip to visit my darlings. It is more of their enthusiasm in going to these places and doing activities that makes Seattle indeed very special and close to my heart.

At the close of your birthday my dearest Rahul, I just wish for more such moments in the future. Love you loads!!

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Quick & Easy to sew kurti for Xmasy wedding!

The Christmas season is upon us. Time to spruce up every aspect of your physical life as well as your spiritual one. One of my thoughts was about the dress I want to sport this Xmas.

Then I remembered that there was a wedding also that I needed to attend.
Typically, weddings are the best time to pull out those dressy sarees from your cupboard and wear them… otherwise they just occupy a lot of space in the cupboard and almost never see the light of the day after one wear. Unfortunately, that cupboard with my dressy sarees was sitting in Kerala. Drat!!!
Then I chanced to see this beautiful dressy material that my aunt had gifted me for my birthday. I never had a chance to stitch it yet.
Problem solved!!!

Having been influenced by all those dresses I had designed and sewn up till date, I went a bit mashup on this one. The heaviest influence I felt was that of the ruffled / gathered hem on the sleeves. I wondered whether I am too old for this but then again, my inner voice quelled my fear by repeating to me what I believe – “You live only once!”


Sunday 6 December 2015

Victorian with an Indian twist

A few weeks ago, I was at my friends’ house when her sister showed me this piece of material which was pristine white and self-printed. Now that I was crafting kids’ stuff, she wanted me to extend it to this piece of material. She had several nice-to-have requirements too – wearable with any of her cotton leggings, salwars and any of her stoles / duppattas, high possibility of wearing on Independence / Republic day and so on.
Also, she wanted something similar yet different (how is that possible, I wondered…) for her sister, my friend who BTW is very picky when it comes to design and colors – simple and not too colorful, acceptable colors – white, black, maroon, green and golden / saffron.

Ideas swirled around my head.
Since my friend hated too many colors, I thought I would play with lace and ruffles for her kurta and since her sister had these requirements, I thought of colored lace and trims so that she could wear it with any type and color of pajama bottoms and even stoles or duppattas.
The result: What you see in the picture!

We asked my friend to try it out and do like a catwalk for us and when she did, the rest of our friends gushed on how she looked like a Victorian doll. White lace and ruffles and just a dash of colors from the Indian flag... the effect was just as intended.

Friday 4 December 2015

A salute to your spirit, Chennai!

The last couple of days have been heavy on Chennai. Even though the plight of the people in Chennai has not grabbed national headlines, social media has been very active with almost live updates.
As I was seeing some of those horrendous images, I remember travelling through those areas while visiting Chennai on multiple occasions in the last few years. Where earlier, it was a traffic nightmare, today it has become an island with all modes of transport except maybe boats, disrupted.

But what overwhelmed me was the spirit of the people. Innovative methods to offer the use of their homes, and all their resources to help people in need no matter what their caste, creed or religion was. I even read about a little boy who asked that his food packet be given to another boy who he felt was in more need since the other boy was not used to hunger like this boy was.

It took a dire calamity yet again to unite people and fight to survive… TOGETHER.

What a volte-face from days before where religion, media and politics had started dividing Indians into Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and started hysterical debates on intolerance and attrition.

If a country or even a family divides itself into groups and fight each other, the country / family will fall apart and make itself vulnerable to other groups who can then easily take over. India is not alien to this concept but we still insist on making the same mistakes again.
This time our Mother Nature is teaching us a valuable lesson of “Unity is Strength” like any mother who admonishes an errant child. The question is “Are we willing to listen and change?”
How many more such calamities – natural or man-made, will it take for us to learn our lesson?

Meanwhile, for the people in Chennai, I salute your spirit, your will to survive and your generosity. Together, you will get past this; I say this from my own experience on and after the July 26th 2005 floods in Mumbai. 

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am recollecting my first Thanksgiving in the US.
One of my neighbors was experimenting with roasting turkey in the oven. Suffice to say, that was an unmitigated disaster; luckily the vegetarians among us saved the lunch with some mouth-watering Indian vegetarian dishes with choice of breads that we got from the local supermarket. I didn't have the habit of saying grace or thanking the good lord for the food on the table, but if memory serves me right, I did thank the Lord that day for saving us all from that turkey.

I was invited to my then boss' house for Thanksgiving dinner. My roommates and I went there armed with the thought that since we were vegetarians, we would not have to worry if the turkey turned out to be another disaster. It wasn't... I am judging by the ooh's and aah's from the guests and it was such a full house.

After that full-fledged dinner with a mixture of Indian and traditional American Thanksgiving dishes, we were relaxing in the drawing room when one of the guys started distributing pamphlets. Soon the whole space on the floor between us was strewn with pamphlets... from different retail outlets.
Preparation for the Black Friday sale.
Since we were new to this entire concept of the Black Friday sale, it was explained very briefly to us. The concept was simple... the early birds got the best deals. You had to plan starting from as early as 4:00 a.m. and devising a way so that you could get all the deals that you had been eyeing.
Being an avid and compulsive shopper, I was in before my friend finished the first sentence; you see 'DEALS' have that effect on me...

By the end of that night, we had distributed among ourselves where we were to go and what we were to get for ourselves and our friends; our friends were buying some of our stuff too. We promised to meet in the evening next day to exchange each other' stuff. I was armed with the additional knowledge of mail-in rebates and coupons and the like.

Things did not go exactly as planned; we got a little late, then there was the massive queues and things being in the wrong places or sold out. But the experience was so different that I tried my luck in the evening too. Ok so, I did not get the BEST deal, but I got some great deals anyway. I bought my very first diamond then and then I had to buy for my Mom too.

At the end of the Thanksgiving weekend, I was several hundred dollars lighter; mail-in rebates and coupons notwithstanding but I was happy.

Happy Thanksgiving holidays; have a great one like I had!


Tuesday 24 November 2015

What a condiment for my sea-food guests!

Wednesday is set aside for marketing by me and my neighbours. That day, we go to the local markets where people throng to sell their wares from mobile phones to fresh food including fresh vegetables, fruits even poultry, meat and fish. It is so crowded that people push you ahead if you stand in one place too long.
My neighbours love fish and even though I am vegetarian, I don’t mind to accompanying them to the fish stalls simply because I love the looks on their faces as they sample all the different varieties of fish till they finalise their buys.
And in that, I finally realised that I was the ‘reluctant’ owner of prawns… the best ones I was told; all part of some deal between my neighbours and the fisher folk. So, after I got it home, I wondered what to do of it till I remembered my own post of pickling and brining here on my blog. I set to work.

Prawns pickle 
250 gms prawns cleaned
2 tbsp of Kashmiri Chilli powder
2 tbsp of garam masala (if it is homemade then the taste is accentuated)
2 tbsp ginger-garlic paste
1 tsp of turmeric powder
1 tsp of crushed pepper
1 tsp of tamarind paste (I use the fresh tamarind grown in my home garden in Kerala see in picture)
Pinch of nutmeg powder
Salt to taste (rock salt is the best)
6 cloves of chopped (into 3 round pieces) garlic 
Sprig of curry leaves
1 tbsp of Nigella seeds (also called kalonji seeds)
2 tbsp vinegar
2 tbsp of mustard oil

Method: For best taste use an earthenware pot. The older the earthenware pot, the better the taste... so don't be put off by the color in the picture. 
  1. Mix the prawns, chilli powder, garam masala, ginger garlic paste, turmeric powder, pepper, tamarind and salt and about 1 tbsp of vinegar and leave to marinate for about an hour.
  2. Put the marinate mix into the earthenware pot, add the chopped garlic and cook on low flame for about 5-7 minutes. You will see water oozing and the prawns will cook. Once you feel that the prawns have semi-cooked (it should be around 5-7 minutes after you started cooking), turn the flame on high so that the rest of the water evaporates and the masala is all around the prawns. If you have used fresh tamarind, remove the piece now.
  3. Take a frying pan and pour the 1 tbsp mustard oil into it. Add the curry leaves and Nigella seeds and then shallow fry the prawns till all the water is gone.
  4. Allow to cool and pour it into a glass container greased with mustard oil. Add the remaining vinegar and 1 tbsp of mustard oil on top.
  5. Take it out every day for the next 5 days and check for any water formation. If so, shallow fry in high flame in mustard oil. Else you can just put in a dash of mustard oil if your pickle appears dry.
  6. After 5 days, your pickle is ready to serve. Always store in lower part of fridge.

Serve with parathas or rotis or plain chapattis or even with simple rice. If your family and many of your friends are sea-food lovers as mine definitely are, then this is going to be a super-hit during meals.

If your guests are apprehensive of ‘hot’ chillies as most of my young guests are, while marinating, add about a tbsp of jaggery. 

Monday 16 November 2015

Chocolate mini cupcakes for a fond farewell!

There is a tradition in India that when you are going out to do something, an auspicious beginning should be with something sweet mostly yogurt and sugar.
My friend was leaving for Bangalore for advancement in his career. His wife is one of my best friends and the whole family was so sad at this move that I wanted to do something different - something that would be adhering to tradition but would cheer them up albeit for a while.
Chocolate and cake are soothing balms to many a sad heart. Hence the idea of chocolate mini cupcakes. Very simple to make and bake.

1 cup (5 tbsp) self-raising flour or maida
1 cup sugar
1 cup unsalted butter
1 large egg
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tbsp drinking chocolate
1 tsp vanilla essence

1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp of cardamom powder
a pinch of nutmeg powder


  1. Sieve the following - self-raising flour, baking powder, cocoa powder and drinking chocolate and set aside
  2. Powder the sugar along with cardamom and nutmeg powder till it is fine. 
  3. Beat the egg whites and yolks separately and set aside
  4. Now take 1 tsp of sugar and melt in in a pan set on a gas with low flame. As soon as it melts and before it becomes a gooey mess, pour 1 tbsp of water slowly. 
  5. Take a bowl and put the caramelized sugar into it, then put in the powdered sugar along with the cardamom and nutmeg and the unsalted butter. Then goes the whites and once blended, in goes the yolks and finally the vanilla essence. Blend smoothly
  6. Next, pour the mixture of self-raising flour, baking powder, cocoa powder and drinking chocolate into this bowl slowly and mix well. 
  7. Pour into a greased mini-muffin tray and bake for 20 minutes at 150 deg.
The result I got was so satisfying for my soul - the kids were eating the cakes like toffees and I got repeat requests for them. My friends were distracted for a while at least... seeing the children happy. Well, that was my intention anyway.

I wished and always wish him every success. God Bless!

Friday 13 November 2015

Paris, our prayers are with you!

I woke up this morning to the see the great tragedy in Paris splashed all over the news, social media and the telly. This unprovoked killing of unsuspecting, innocent people who were enjoying the start of the weekend with their families reminded me of Mumbai in this same month in 2008.

I remember walking carefree through these beautiful boulevards and clicking pictures galore while touring Paris in 2013; just like those unsuspecting people who now lay dead or injured or scared as hell.
The image I have in my mind and on file is completely different from the image that I see now everywhere. That is just so sad!

The mindless killing baffles me. I would like to think that common people all over the world are not so intolerant and unwilling to listen to reason. At the very least, these innocents deserve a chance to hear your cause before you pull those triggers and pins. And they are not the ultimate decision makers; they are people with families, friends, values and beliefs just like you enjoying the life that they have been given by their Maker before you so cruelly snatched it away.

I pray that God in whatever form or name you worship opens your eyes to see the injustice that you are doing and your ears to hear those grieving cries pleading you to stop and your mind to think of 100 different ways to make your cause non-violent and your heart to believe that no good ultimately came out of violence. 

Personalizing your little girls' clothes....

Imagine your little girls wearing their very own brand of clothes!

What is required for this? Simply your time and patience.... 

And the rest follows below -
First, you choose the fabric and the color that your little ones like.
Then either you design some simple or fancy or get ‘inspired’ from all the designs floating all over the internet.
Embellish or enhance the look of the dress with motifs or bows or ruffles or whatever you or your girls fancy.
The last thing is to personalize it to make it their very own brand.

Just like I did for my little nieces….

Designing, sewing, painting, embroidering… I did it all. 
The result and the reward is well-worth the effort.

Try it... you won't be disappointed.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Giving away my book "Where is my Kaddu" for free this Diwali!

Giving is such a beautiful thing; it was the theme of the homily this Sunday at church. 
And this is the week of Diwali and I am modifying and combining some of the TV ads that have stuck in my mind -
"Yeh Diwali, dil ke kareeb wali and jo bhi karo prem se karo" loosely translated in English means - "This Diwali is a symbol of things close to your heart and do whatever you want with love". 

My books are one of the things that are very close to my heart and this Diwali (i.e. today 10-Nov-15 to tomorrow 11-Nov-15), I offer them free to all of you to download on Amazon Kindle. 
Here are the links for India, US and UK so that you get a hang of it; it is available worldwide on the Amazon Kindle –

Wish all of you a very happy Diwali and a prosperous New Year!

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Brining and Pickling

It is that time of the year again! When friends from all parts of the globe are in town for the holiday season. I so love it.

I have learnt from experience is that friends can drop in at this time at a moment’ notice.
And I understand! They have family and other friends besides me and just about 15-20 days of vacation... so many people to meet and so little time.

I should be prepared for such impromptu surprise visits now. How can I whip up something for my friends in under 15 minutes without a sweat that they will remember me by till the next time we can meet?  Hmmmm!

Almost all of my friends are non-vegetarian. While my vegetarian dishes elicit a wow from almost everyone, my non-vegetarian dishes have people overwhelming me with praise.
No, no, not just for the taste but more for the effort I put in to make the dish especially for them considering I am vegetarian by choice.
The children are the tough ones to please really… for me at least. They either like it or they are most emphatic in saying that they don’t. Effort does not count for them; they need it to be appealing to their palate.

I have bought fresh chicken, fish and some meat too and ‘pickled’ them i.e. treat them to my own solution of spices, in rock salt and vinegar and mustard oil. I stored it in my fridge and will use it for preparing a variety of stuff including salads, sandwiches, pasta… well, almost anything that takes the fancy of my guests. For the benefit of my little-yet-tough-to-please guests, I have gone very easy on the chilli powder and also put in that dash of nutmeg to soothe their tender stomachs.

Strain and stress of what to prepare / give to my guests at a moment’ notice, that is history now. I am all set to welcome all of my friends with a smile on my face because I know I can dish up something appealing in just few minutes. You can be set too……

Saturday 31 October 2015

FREE today on Amazon Kindle: Those 16-30 Years of Undiluted Melodrama

I am a compulsive shopper. The words ‘% discount’ and especially ‘FREE’ are like music to my ears and an awesome sight to behold.
I have self-published two of my novels under Amazon’ KDP Select program and they offered me a free promotion deal.
I chose today to promote my first book ‘Those 16-30 Years of Undiluted Melodrama’ because of the characters in this book. My protagonist Jennu mentions her best friend Simmu’ love for ‘Halloweenish’ themes several times and she would also like to pay a tribute to her friend Gayu.
Download my book for FREE today (exclusively on Amazon Kindle) to get an insight into the 16-30 years of undiluted melodrama in Jennu’ life.  

You get the drift of the links, right?

I would love to hear your thoughts on my book in the form of reviews on Amazon or Goodreads.

Happy Reading!

Friday 30 October 2015

Happy Halloween!

It was the first time I was celebrating Halloween. Curious about the history of Halloween, I did some research on the significance. I read about the Christian influence first - Halloween is actually ‘Hallow’ Eve’ where you remember the dead specifically the saints on All Saints’ Day (Nov 1st) and all the departed souls on All Souls’ Day(Nov 2nd). In pre-Christian era, this was celebrated as the end of summer. 
Now, while I was in India, October being the month of the Holy Rosary, on the last day we would have the Rosary being recited throughout the day with a group of people heading each half-hour. Then came the 2 days of remembrance of the departed souls – All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day.

In those days, I was under the influence of cable television and American movies where Halloween was a day where you dressed up as some scary person, heard spooky stories and ate and drank weird colored stuff. So, now that I was finally in the US, I was excited to get into the spirit of Halloween. 
True to my influence, I wanted to be a witch. I got all the accessories the cape, the hair and the hat, the blood-red nails and even my very own spider. My dress had those witches herbs and I covered my neck with a red scarf too. Check me out!

Unfortunately, I am lacking the evil visage and coupled with my smile (which I almost always involuntarily do when I am posing for a photo), I don’t look in the least bit spooky or scary which was the intent. Maybe I can be the good witch, eh?

Note to self: It is not only important to have all the accessories but also the act to look your part.

Happy Halloween!!!

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Surprise! Your preconceived notions are being disproved....

I have preconceived notions about most things. These are not only from personal experiences but also from hearsay.
My notions about crowded buses at least some specific ones and crowded men' compartment in the Mumbai local train were conditioned on pure hearsay; still I thought they were best to be avoided altogether.

I have said earlier in my blog that I love surprises.... seemed to be the theme of that day. I was travelling with one of my many nephews by train. It was his first trip by Mumbai local train and he was quite excited about it. In Mumbai, most of us time our trip to the minute as per the train schedule. And we needed to get to Nerul station so there were two changeovers and hence not a minute here and there.
I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but with me, if I have such a hectic schedule then chances are quite high that something totally unplanned happens which almost kills my schedule. 
That fateful day, it was heavy downpour and lack of rickshaws. To meet the planned schedule, we got into a crowded bus... unfortunately one of those specific ones which was on my 'to-be-avoided' list. So, there I was with a very defensive posture ready to kick and snarl at any guy who threatened to be a pest. What happened next was a complete contrast to my stance. 
The guys tried to make place in that overcrowded bus to allow me to reach the seats in front which are reserved for ladies. My nephew trailed behind. Now, in one of the seats reserved for ladies was a couple... I presume this of course from the fact that the lady was fussing over this man who had a bandaged knee and ankle. Surprisingly, he got up from his seat as soon as he saw me to allow me to sit. Ya, I am in my defensive stance but making that obviously ill man stand would be offensive on my part. So, I told him to stay put and was rewarded with a weak smile.
At the station, I am appalled to see the huge queues and curse my luck, that I had forgotten to put my ATVM Rail Card in my purse. I am mentally rescheduling my trip all the while being angry at myself.... so I could not have been a pretty sight. The guy in front of me turns around and says "Madam, why don't you go over to the ticket window specifically reserved for Ladies. The queues are much shorter there". I was kind of in a bind wondering whether all those angry thoughts had not been in my inner voice as I had presumed. Still I thanked him and went over to the said window and got our tickets in under 5 minutes. The best part was that we could manage to get the train that was part of my originally planned schedule. 
My nephew was adamant on not travelling in Ladies compartment and I did not press him. But that meant, I had to travel with him in the crowded Men' compartment. Oh dear!!
My personal experience that day was far better than I had experienced in the Ladies compartment. I got to sit in the train (first two legs of our journey) and there was no pushing and screaming. I listened to the men discussing the latest news from finance to entertainment; why I even saw some guys playing some card game using one of their briefcases as the table. The rest were on their smart phones utilizing the 2G/3G networks to the hilt. 
By the time, we reached the last leg of the journey from Thane to Nerul, I was sure that I was going to have to remove my rose-tinted glasses from my pleasant experience till that time. 
We entered the compartment which was literally packed to capacity. I decided that the smart thing to do would be to stand in the aisles away from the door so that the chances of being pushed were lower. The train was just leaving Thane station when two men got up and were looking at us intently. I am filled with dread, my hands are clammy and a thousand thoughts on how to fight and what to do crosses my mind... but I am still indecisive on my next step.
The guys urged us to sit down in their seats comfortably and that they would let us know when our station was due to arrive. Huh!!! My brain seemed a little befuddled. I wondered whether it was a trap. My nephew did not seem to think so and he sat down in one of the vacated seats. He seemed surprised at my reluctance. The men were still smiling and urging me to sit down in the remaining seat… I mean even a nanosecond of hesitation could cost you the seat in a Mumbai local but none of the other men rushed or pushed past me to sit there. I sat down and through that 40 minute train ride, I found those men to be extremely civil... protective even.

Though I never let my guard down even once during any point of that day, I could not help but wonder whether I should not have any preconceived notions on hearsay.

And last, I wish I had taken photos of all these men who had been so kind and thank them on Facebook as people generally do. Unfortunately, I was so busy being surprised that frankly it did not occur to me at all. I hope I thanked them personally at least.... I think I did.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Have you surprised anyone lately?

I have always loved surprises... the good kinds that is.
Surprise gifts on birthdays, festivals or any normal day, your family, friends and neighbors getting you something... no matter how little that they made... it just brightens me up. I feel good that an effort was made to just brighten my day.

Surprise visits can go both ways, I am sure.
The negative aspects could include your already well-laid plans being completely spoiled or having to be readjusted or the quiet moment that you planned becoming anything but... to name a few. I am sure all of us may have experienced it during some part of our lives.
However, imagine this scenario - you know your friend is alone, kind of sad, moody and irritated because of some personal issues and maybe even wallowing in sadness and despair.
What if, you make a surprise visit, hold their hand, talk about the issue (if your friend is amenable) or talk about general stuff, reminisce about the good old childhood days (that never fails to perk people up) or just whip up their favorite dish.
It takes a lot of effort from your side, because you may have 'n' things lined up to do, the travel may take you about 2+ hours each way, you may have to deal with some complications during your travel.... well, you get the drift.
But, when reach your friend' place and see that look of surprise or that whoop of pure joy.... you know it is worth it. You did your bit to cheer your friend after which you heard the words - 'Thank God, you came. I was so lost and moody. But that talk of good old days of school and college; it just brightened up my day'. I tell you honestly, nothing I did that day compared to the elation & happiness I felt on hearing those words.

After 2 hours of travel back in a crowded local train (euphoria about my surprise visit being such a success made that 2 hours seem like hardly anything), I was walking on the railway platform and I chanced to look at the indicator for the next train on the platform. It was the same train that another friend took every day. I could wait and surprise her or hurry home to relieve my bladder. After a moment of deliberation, I decided that I would wait. If I did not laugh or cough or do any abrupt moments, my bladder should hold it...
The train pulled in to the platform. Everyone seemed to be in a tearing hurry to get home and so, I was afraid that I would be 'surprised' and miss her. And I was, because she was not on that train. Yup, these are the complications that happen... so I call her and she is on another train but 15 minutes away. All I am going to get to do is say 'Hi' and then both of us have to rush home. My bladder makes impatient noises but I still shush it and stay. The train was 10 minutes late. And even though I managed to see her for all of 3 minutes and say a few words, I felt good for making that effort. Best of all, my bladder still held up.

Have you surprised your friends or neighbors lately? Try it, it may very well just brighten up your day!