Tuesday 27 October 2015

Have you surprised anyone lately?

I have always loved surprises... the good kinds that is.
Surprise gifts on birthdays, festivals or any normal day, your family, friends and neighbors getting you something... no matter how little that they made... it just brightens me up. I feel good that an effort was made to just brighten my day.

Surprise visits can go both ways, I am sure.
The negative aspects could include your already well-laid plans being completely spoiled or having to be readjusted or the quiet moment that you planned becoming anything but... to name a few. I am sure all of us may have experienced it during some part of our lives.
However, imagine this scenario - you know your friend is alone, kind of sad, moody and irritated because of some personal issues and maybe even wallowing in sadness and despair.
What if, you make a surprise visit, hold their hand, talk about the issue (if your friend is amenable) or talk about general stuff, reminisce about the good old childhood days (that never fails to perk people up) or just whip up their favorite dish.
It takes a lot of effort from your side, because you may have 'n' things lined up to do, the travel may take you about 2+ hours each way, you may have to deal with some complications during your travel.... well, you get the drift.
But, when reach your friend' place and see that look of surprise or that whoop of pure joy.... you know it is worth it. You did your bit to cheer your friend after which you heard the words - 'Thank God, you came. I was so lost and moody. But that talk of good old days of school and college; it just brightened up my day'. I tell you honestly, nothing I did that day compared to the elation & happiness I felt on hearing those words.

After 2 hours of travel back in a crowded local train (euphoria about my surprise visit being such a success made that 2 hours seem like hardly anything), I was walking on the railway platform and I chanced to look at the indicator for the next train on the platform. It was the same train that another friend took every day. I could wait and surprise her or hurry home to relieve my bladder. After a moment of deliberation, I decided that I would wait. If I did not laugh or cough or do any abrupt moments, my bladder should hold it...
The train pulled in to the platform. Everyone seemed to be in a tearing hurry to get home and so, I was afraid that I would be 'surprised' and miss her. And I was, because she was not on that train. Yup, these are the complications that happen... so I call her and she is on another train but 15 minutes away. All I am going to get to do is say 'Hi' and then both of us have to rush home. My bladder makes impatient noises but I still shush it and stay. The train was 10 minutes late. And even though I managed to see her for all of 3 minutes and say a few words, I felt good for making that effort. Best of all, my bladder still held up.

Have you surprised your friends or neighbors lately? Try it, it may very well just brighten up your day!

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