Saturday 31 October 2015

FREE today on Amazon Kindle: Those 16-30 Years of Undiluted Melodrama

I am a compulsive shopper. The words ‘% discount’ and especially ‘FREE’ are like music to my ears and an awesome sight to behold.
I have self-published two of my novels under Amazon’ KDP Select program and they offered me a free promotion deal.
I chose today to promote my first book ‘Those 16-30 Years of Undiluted Melodrama’ because of the characters in this book. My protagonist Jennu mentions her best friend Simmu’ love for ‘Halloweenish’ themes several times and she would also like to pay a tribute to her friend Gayu.
Download my book for FREE today (exclusively on Amazon Kindle) to get an insight into the 16-30 years of undiluted melodrama in Jennu’ life.  

You get the drift of the links, right?

I would love to hear your thoughts on my book in the form of reviews on Amazon or Goodreads.

Happy Reading!

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