Monday 19 October 2015

Create a custom concept Photo book for your little one!

I was asked to design a custom concept photo book for a 2-year old. My constraints were – working with photos that were taken from mobile phones and hence lacking the resolution and clarity that my high-end SLR would have provided, and fitting the concept to the photos rather than clicking photos that were suitable to the concept.

I kept the concept simple and something that a 2-year old could learn and identify with the help of his own photos – his view of the world around him including his family, home, personal habits, diet and even his dream vacation.
My belief is that once the child sees himself with people and objects, he / she is able to remember it better. Ages 1-6 is significant for a child’ development because the child is continuously using the senses and grasping and learning. So, if you want to help your child identify objects faster and correlate with his/her life then it is best to weave a story or text so that the child sees the people and objects  in their natural surrounding – e.g. furniture at home, fruits and vegetables to be eaten, flowers in the garden, etc. Also, I feel that kids at this age should not be exposed to gadgets like smart phones and tablets and their time with TV should be limited to less than an hour per day.

So, I stripped the pictures, removed all references to phones / tablets and even TV and weaved the following story and modified the pictures in line with the background of the book –
Photobook Cover Page
Starting with him and his family, and his birthday celebrations. He decides to follow the instructions in a book that he received as a gift to become a good boy and make his parents proud. Good Habits from when he gets up in the morning to when he goes to sleep at night. This included the right eating habits where he identifies the vegetables and fruits and pulses and dairy products that would make him, the playtime rules including keeping the play things in its place and good behavior in the playground. While sleeping, he sees a dream where he travels by common modes of transport through forests on to a beach. He stays at a farmhouse which has several domesticated animals and birds and has a good view of the rivers and mountain scenery both during the day and night.
Flap Cover

I even had a shiny flap cover in which the teaser / sample of the photo book had a prominent place. 

Net result: Parents overwhelmed with joy and a delighted child. Quite fulfilling, don't you think?

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