Sunday 27 September 2015

A stroll down memory lane

A few days ago, I met one of my close friends from school and junior college. We had lost touch after he left for US to do his post-graduation. Then out of the blue, about a year or so ago, courtesy Facebook, we got back in touch. Only almost twenty years had passed by.

As we got to talking, I realized that although we had been in the same cities at the same time on more than few occasions in the last twenty years, we never knew it and we certainly never came face-to-face even by chance / luck (as they show so frequently in the movies).
When we filled in the blanks of our respective lives for the benefit of the other, that stroll down our childhood memory lane was truly memorable. I had forgotten some of those moments and even some people until this stroll. Two hours later, there were still so many moments to relive but our schedules were such that we had to put a stop to the reminiscing even though we did not want to.
However that motivated him to plan another trip to Mumbai to go to all those places which had given us those moments of pure unadulterated fun. Something I am really looking forward to….

That night I was still in the euphoria of this meeting and I laughed to myself about  - the pranks we pulled, to the ‘secret crushes’ that our friends had entrusted to us, how we would save up enough money and then share the treats from the local eatery, our studies together, our celebration of different festivals in each other’ houses.
If we were having so much fun, why did we part and not keep in touch and how come I cannot remember some of those people that I had so much fun with?

I think that with everyone changing over time and those changes needing space to grow, maybe at that time, instead of converging… our changes cause us to diverge. Instead of complaints and bitter words (which is just out there and cannot be taken back), it is better to probably take a step back and proceed on your life' journey. 
Maybe we will converge sometime later in life when we see no harm in meeting our earlier estranged friends halfway… well that may take days, weeks, months or in this case, twenty years… But when that time comes, do take that leap to meet and definitely do a time-travel mentally shoulder to shoulder as you used to earlier.  

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