Saturday 26 September 2015

Fashion Blooper Entry # 2

It was a special occasion; I was meeting my friend from school and junior college after 20 odd years… I wanted that first impression after so many years to be perfect. This is the problem with Facebook; you put some of your best pictures online and many of your friends from school and college have seen you and pictured you in your best, so you have to match up that expectation when you meet personally. At least, that is what I felt.

So, I dressed up in my best ‘comfy’ clothes considering the heat; the only luxury I allowed myself was the ‘almost -new-yet-been-in-the-closet-for-a-year-due-to-lack-of-right-occasion’ sandals (a blue & ivory colored 4-inch wedge heel) that made me look really cool & glam.
So, there I was quite near to the place we were to meet when suddenly…

The heel came unglued…. in the middle of a crowded street.

Now, normally I carry spare shoes (I have so many of them, so why not) but because I wanted to get the ensemble right, I had a bag that did not have space for ‘spare’ anything.
I could see neither a cobbler nor a shoe shop (this was a good reason to add some more shoes to my lay-in-the-closet collectionJ). What to do?

So, I tried to look as cool as a cucumber and proceeded to walk  with a 4 inch heel on 1 foot and almost no heel on the other. Now… I would not recommend that you ever try this. Unless of course you want to take a break from work or something and you are looking for a good excuse like a back sprain.
I cursed myself for the nth time for not carrying my spare set. But my mistake actually was that I kept my shoes all locked up. Some racks of my shoe collection lie unopened for days even months on end. The result was there for me to see. And I made another realization as well, this was not the first time that my shoe had come apart perfectly at the heel and only needed gluing.

I learnt my lesson. As of today, all my footwear are ‘breathing easy’. 

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