Tuesday 3 November 2015

Brining and Pickling

It is that time of the year again! When friends from all parts of the globe are in town for the holiday season. I so love it.

I have learnt from experience is that friends can drop in at this time at a moment’ notice.
And I understand! They have family and other friends besides me and just about 15-20 days of vacation... so many people to meet and so little time.

I should be prepared for such impromptu surprise visits now. How can I whip up something for my friends in under 15 minutes without a sweat that they will remember me by till the next time we can meet?  Hmmmm!

Almost all of my friends are non-vegetarian. While my vegetarian dishes elicit a wow from almost everyone, my non-vegetarian dishes have people overwhelming me with praise.
No, no, not just for the taste but more for the effort I put in to make the dish especially for them considering I am vegetarian by choice.
The children are the tough ones to please really… for me at least. They either like it or they are most emphatic in saying that they don’t. Effort does not count for them; they need it to be appealing to their palate.

I have bought fresh chicken, fish and some meat too and ‘pickled’ them i.e. treat them to my own solution of spices, in rock salt and vinegar and mustard oil. I stored it in my fridge and will use it for preparing a variety of stuff including salads, sandwiches, pasta… well, almost anything that takes the fancy of my guests. For the benefit of my little-yet-tough-to-please guests, I have gone very easy on the chilli powder and also put in that dash of nutmeg to soothe their tender stomachs.

Strain and stress of what to prepare / give to my guests at a moment’ notice, that is history now. I am all set to welcome all of my friends with a smile on my face because I know I can dish up something appealing in just few minutes. You can be set too……

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