Friday 13 November 2015

Paris, our prayers are with you!

I woke up this morning to the see the great tragedy in Paris splashed all over the news, social media and the telly. This unprovoked killing of unsuspecting, innocent people who were enjoying the start of the weekend with their families reminded me of Mumbai in this same month in 2008.

I remember walking carefree through these beautiful boulevards and clicking pictures galore while touring Paris in 2013; just like those unsuspecting people who now lay dead or injured or scared as hell.
The image I have in my mind and on file is completely different from the image that I see now everywhere. That is just so sad!

The mindless killing baffles me. I would like to think that common people all over the world are not so intolerant and unwilling to listen to reason. At the very least, these innocents deserve a chance to hear your cause before you pull those triggers and pins. And they are not the ultimate decision makers; they are people with families, friends, values and beliefs just like you enjoying the life that they have been given by their Maker before you so cruelly snatched it away.

I pray that God in whatever form or name you worship opens your eyes to see the injustice that you are doing and your ears to hear those grieving cries pleading you to stop and your mind to think of 100 different ways to make your cause non-violent and your heart to believe that no good ultimately came out of violence. 

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