Wednesday 25 November 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am recollecting my first Thanksgiving in the US.
One of my neighbors was experimenting with roasting turkey in the oven. Suffice to say, that was an unmitigated disaster; luckily the vegetarians among us saved the lunch with some mouth-watering Indian vegetarian dishes with choice of breads that we got from the local supermarket. I didn't have the habit of saying grace or thanking the good lord for the food on the table, but if memory serves me right, I did thank the Lord that day for saving us all from that turkey.

I was invited to my then boss' house for Thanksgiving dinner. My roommates and I went there armed with the thought that since we were vegetarians, we would not have to worry if the turkey turned out to be another disaster. It wasn't... I am judging by the ooh's and aah's from the guests and it was such a full house.

After that full-fledged dinner with a mixture of Indian and traditional American Thanksgiving dishes, we were relaxing in the drawing room when one of the guys started distributing pamphlets. Soon the whole space on the floor between us was strewn with pamphlets... from different retail outlets.
Preparation for the Black Friday sale.
Since we were new to this entire concept of the Black Friday sale, it was explained very briefly to us. The concept was simple... the early birds got the best deals. You had to plan starting from as early as 4:00 a.m. and devising a way so that you could get all the deals that you had been eyeing.
Being an avid and compulsive shopper, I was in before my friend finished the first sentence; you see 'DEALS' have that effect on me...

By the end of that night, we had distributed among ourselves where we were to go and what we were to get for ourselves and our friends; our friends were buying some of our stuff too. We promised to meet in the evening next day to exchange each other' stuff. I was armed with the additional knowledge of mail-in rebates and coupons and the like.

Things did not go exactly as planned; we got a little late, then there was the massive queues and things being in the wrong places or sold out. But the experience was so different that I tried my luck in the evening too. Ok so, I did not get the BEST deal, but I got some great deals anyway. I bought my very first diamond then and then I had to buy for my Mom too.

At the end of the Thanksgiving weekend, I was several hundred dollars lighter; mail-in rebates and coupons notwithstanding but I was happy.

Happy Thanksgiving holidays; have a great one like I had!


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