Friday 4 December 2015

A salute to your spirit, Chennai!

The last couple of days have been heavy on Chennai. Even though the plight of the people in Chennai has not grabbed national headlines, social media has been very active with almost live updates.
As I was seeing some of those horrendous images, I remember travelling through those areas while visiting Chennai on multiple occasions in the last few years. Where earlier, it was a traffic nightmare, today it has become an island with all modes of transport except maybe boats, disrupted.

But what overwhelmed me was the spirit of the people. Innovative methods to offer the use of their homes, and all their resources to help people in need no matter what their caste, creed or religion was. I even read about a little boy who asked that his food packet be given to another boy who he felt was in more need since the other boy was not used to hunger like this boy was.

It took a dire calamity yet again to unite people and fight to survive… TOGETHER.

What a volte-face from days before where religion, media and politics had started dividing Indians into Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and started hysterical debates on intolerance and attrition.

If a country or even a family divides itself into groups and fight each other, the country / family will fall apart and make itself vulnerable to other groups who can then easily take over. India is not alien to this concept but we still insist on making the same mistakes again.
This time our Mother Nature is teaching us a valuable lesson of “Unity is Strength” like any mother who admonishes an errant child. The question is “Are we willing to listen and change?”
How many more such calamities – natural or man-made, will it take for us to learn our lesson?

Meanwhile, for the people in Chennai, I salute your spirit, your will to survive and your generosity. Together, you will get past this; I say this from my own experience on and after the July 26th 2005 floods in Mumbai. 

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