Sunday 30 August 2015

My foray into personalization

A gadget that has held my fascination for the last 15 days is the Singer Talent 3321 sewing machine. Why?
Because it helped me renew one of my pet passions since I was a child - to create and customize.
Not just my dresses, my accessories and anything that I am proud to own. That opens up a huge amount of things to customize and I for one am up for this challenge.

My mother and her sisters and I have one more thing in common – a sewing machine; all thanks to my Mom who put up her hard-saved money to buy me this precious gift.
In the last 15 days, I have practised for hours on end trying to understand the various features of my machine and how it can help me create my designs which I have started saving since the last 25 years.
The experience have been varying in parts – from moments of hilarity at the output looking a comical version of my original imagination to sheer frustration of not getting the stitches in the line that I have drawn after practising for the nth time to acute despair at not being able to achieve exactly what I wanted after hours of practice to sheer joy and satisfaction when I successfully stitched a personalized kurti for my Mom as thanks for gifting me this spectacular machine. When she wears this kurti, it will be as if she is wearing her very own brand.... Hmmm!

I had another chance to show off the numerous ‘talents’ of my Singer Talent 3321 sewing machine. My nephew was cooking Chicken curry for us after being inspired by Masterchef Junior. I wanted to give him something to mark this occasion - a personalized apron with a child-like writing. He wore it before he started cooking and looked super cute and his chicken curry was mind-blowing. There’s a Masterchef in the making.

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