Saturday 1 August 2015

'Cheesy & Spicy Mayo' recipes

I do believe that every success must be celebrated and the hard work that led to it must be duly rewarded. I had promised my nephew that if he got full marks in his Science review then, I would make him a dish for his school tiffin which would have his choice of ingredients.

I have observed that children when motivated with reward-based challenges most often rise to the occasion. Anyway, true to that observation, my nephew studied hard and got full marks.
The ingredients he chose – Cheese, Egg, Pepper, and Oregano.  Now, his school generally does not recommend that students carry any non-vegetarian items in their tiffin for the benefit of his pure vegetarian classmates. So, egg was allowed to be substituted with Veg Mayo (available at retail shops).
Here are the two dishes I could make –
  1. Spicy Cheese and Mayo Stuffed Paratha
  2. Spicy Cheese and Mayo Topped Bread Cuts

The stuffing / topping is common to both dishes.
Ingredients for the Stuffing / Topping
3 tsp mozzarella cheese
1 tsp Veg mayo
¼ tsp pepper powder
¼ tsp oregano
1 tsp finely cut coriander leaves
1 tsp finely chopped garlic
1 tsp finely cut ginger
Salt to taste
Method: Mix all of the above together. It should not be with the right consistency so that you can make small balls out of it and be able to spread it.

For the Spicy Cheese and Mayo Stuffed Paratha
Method: Take these small balls and stuff them into your wheat dough (already prepared). Now roll it out into a nice stuffed paratha till you can see the stuffing. Ensure that the stuffing does not get out because then it sticks to the pan and gives a bit of a burnt taste. Heat the tava till medium hot and then put your paratha on the tava. Since butter was the chosen ingredient, I spread butter on both sides and served it when both sides were sort of golden brown.

For the Spicy Cheese and Mayo Topped Bread Cuts
Method: Cut the bread into whatever shape fancies you or your child. I cut mine into squares. Spread the topping prepared above on these bread cuts. Topping should be even and not too thick. Heat the tava and when it is medium hot, lower the flame to its lowest and spread butter squarely in the middle of the tava. Put the bread cuts on that buttery surface and wait for about 2-3 minutes till you see the topping start to melt. If you slightly lift the bread, you will see that it has become golden brown. At that point, take them out and stack them on top of each other; use a toothpick to secure it if required. Serve with ketchup or sauce.

I am happy that I was able to whip up these dishes in under 20 minutes at the end of which my nephew had to be ready to go to school. I seem to have scored a hit with him. Whoooopie!!!!

I was so encouraged by his reaction that I used this same mix for making spaghetti. Except with more veg mayo to get that white sauce mix. I absolutely aced it. I am his favorite blind-cook today…

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