Tuesday 20 September 2016

Resuming formal education at 40? Take that leap of faith...

After I finished my Masters 17 years ago, I had thought I was ‘done’ with formal education. Even though you are never really done learning ever in your life no matter what is your career of choice especially if you want to really do well, I just thought well… those days of studying intensely for a 1-3 hour exams, practical, projects and viva voce were truly behind me.

Then, there were those moments of introspecting on how to better my designing prospects and advising people turning to me during their hour of need. I figured that an effective way ‘to kill two birds with one stone’ would be to understand the working of human mind. What did I have to lose? When I read that we are very short of counselors to deal with the mental health scene in India, well… that totally sealed the deal. In any case, I think that a 'Dr.' in front of my name will lend more credence to that advice that I dole out every day... you think?

A full-time course was out of question considering my present responsibilities and thus distance education became a good recourse for me to pursue my 2nd Masters … this time in Psychology with the incentive to continue to get my Doctorate. 
I was so excited when I was enrolled successfully into IGNOU for my Masters. I remember how I had danced and told everyone who cared to hear about this feat. Some were just as excited, some were plain skeptical considering my age and some thought that I was plain crazy. 
I did not care that day.

Sneak Peek at the Reading Material for Year 1.
Then came the reading material and list of reference books and assignments by post; the postman was staggering and rolling his eyes at me when he realized those were mine (he has known me so long... am sure the old man thought I was nuts).

At first, I just stared at the pile of reading material and then when I picked one up and read the list of reading material at the end of each unit lesson, all that initial euphoria turned into skepticism. Maybe, I had gone nuts?
By the next morning, I had decided that I would try to read one material of each subject (there are 6 subjects and 64 credits to successfully complete before moving to the second year); after all they say “No pain, no gain”, right?

It has been a month and I try to study for 3 hours each day. I have to practice my writing by hand… because of technology with its auto-correct and reviews, you get multiple chances to do a fantastic job… but what you have penned by hand… well there is no taking it back (I really hate striking out words after mistakes)  and there is the time limit too.
Ohhh dear!
I won’t lie and say it was smooth sailing… on the contrary, initially it was very tough. I would read and promptly forget what I read yesterday. But after a week, I was able to retain some things, and I figured I was able to retain more when I applied the same to my everyday life. Worse was writing by hand… what I wrote was scarcely legible, my thoughts were all over the paper without any structure and my hand would ache incessantly.
Even now I won’t go so much to say that learning has become as natural as breathing… but yeah, I get on much more easily. I am better at putting things into perspective, I do get novel design ideas and I am able to perceive which ones are worth pursuing. My hand is aches-free; it has got used to the long haul… is my guess.

I am glad I renewed my formal learning. If some of you are considering doing the same after a lonnnng gap, but are afraid to take that first few steps… don’t worry … take that leap of faith… maybe you land on /over your head but I think you will do better with every passing day… with patience and perseverance.



  1. Really nice post and interesting to know that you are learning psychology. Good luck

  2. Really nice post and interesting to know that you are learning psychology. Good luck
